Wompie's Making
Bordered Buttons with PSP Tutorial Page 2
Select the magic wand (ooooo) tool. (Right
below the little lasso) Making sure that you have layer 2 selected, use these settings and
click on the ellipse you have just drawn:
Your ellipse should now have the famous
"marching ants" around it.
- Select the flood fill tool again and this time flood fill
with the smaller fill from Jane's. (xmas41b) Leave the ellipse selected.
Use your Eye Candy now. Image....plugin
filters...eye candy...inner bevel. Here are the settings I used for this image:
- Bevel width: 3
Bevel shape: Rounded
Smoothness: 5
Shadow Depth: 10
Highlight Brightness: 80
Highlight Sharpness: 45
Direction: 135
Inclination: 45
You can play around with these settings until you find the ones that please you.
Deselect. (selections...select none)
*Add a new raster layer.*
Use the picture tube tool (the little paint brush and inkwell) and add Jane's xmas412 tube
somewhere to the left of the ellipse on the button. (Use the mover tool to position it
where you want it.) Your image should now look something like this:

Add a drop shadow to your tube at this time if you like. I use
Eye Candy (image...plugin filters...eye candy...drop shadow) with the following settings:
Direction: 9
Distance: 5
Blur: 10
Opacity: 26
Color: Black
Now use the crop tool to crop the image, being careful not to crop out your drop shadow.
*Add a new raster layer.*
Use the text tool (set at "floating...antialias") to add whatever text you want
to your button. (text tool is the capital "A") I used Signet Roundhand in white
size 26. Add whatever effects you want to your text while it is still selected. I used
Blade Pro with the jlm-green glitter preset. Right click on your image to de-select.
Save your button with its existing layers as a .psp file. Then merge all layers
(layers...merge...merge visible) Voila! What a good job you did on your button! To make
additional buttons, open your saved .psp file, delete the layer with the text, add a new
layer and change the text.
Of course, there are a million variations to this button. I'm sure you will discover your
own special way to create by changing settings, text effects, etc.. Page 3 shows some
other ideas for the buttons.
If you export your first button, (file...export....jpg file...compression 1) you can then
make all of the buttons with different text without losing quality as you do by re-saving
.jpg files.
You can also make duplicates of all of the buttons you will need for a page (before you
start adding text) by using the keyboard shortcut, shift...D.
Remember, if you re-size a tube or rotate the layer, to sharpen it to get clarity back.

Website Design © 2000, Kitty Wompuss