kwggallerywelc.jpg (113518 bytes)

Most of these images were created for a wonderful group of graphically-inclined folks. Graphic Buds has taught me so much and always has lots of fun activities for the members. Please enjoy viewing, but do not steal. If you want to use any of these images on your website, please email me for permission. Thank you. The images are thumbnails; click on them to see the larger images.
kwgbul.jpg (5153 bytes)

(We had a Cats vs. Dawgs war going on for a while. ~L~)
wompieignoredsamplerpreview.jpg (16970 bytes)  wompiehomeiswheresamplerpreview.jpg (15261 bytes) 
wompiecatsvsdawgssamplerpreview.jpg (21389 bytes)  wompielilpeopletapestrypreview.jpg (14404 bytes)  wompiesamplerpreview.jpg (22097 bytes)
wompietapestry[preview.jpg (16614 bytes)

kwgbul.jpg (5153 bytes)
(From a tutorial by Dizzinz)
wompiecameopreview.jpg (6269 bytes)  wompiecameo2preview.jpg (7043 bytes)   wompiecameopusspreview.jpg (7459 bytes)

kwgbul.jpg (5153 bytes)

Gallery Two

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